Cabinet clears 15 indigenous Light Combat Helicopters for Rs 3,887 crore - Defence Stories India - Trusted & Verified Defence News Portal India


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Thursday 31 March 2022

Cabinet clears 15 indigenous Light Combat Helicopters for Rs 3,887 crore

Each helicopter will cost Rs 260 crore, provide firepower to support infantry


The Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) met in New Delhi on Wednesday and endorsed the obtainment of 15 Light Combat Helicopter (LCH) for Rs 3,887 crore, or about Rs 260 crore each. The CCS additionally endorsed the formation of framework worth Rs 377 crore.

"Light Combat Helicopter Limited Series Production (LSP) is a natively planned, created and made, cutting edge current battle helicopter containing roughly 45% native substance by esteem, which will continuously increment to more than 55% for the SP (series creation) rendition," reported a Ministry of Defense (MoD) official statement today.

Past the starter request for 15 LSP helicopters, the Indian Air Force (IAF) and the military have mutually projected a SP necessity for 162 LCHs: 65 for the IAF and 97 for the military.

The 15 LCHs in the LSP request will be test-flown by IAF and armed force pilots to measure their presentation and ability. These pilots will give functional execution input and suggest gradual enhancements that HAL can bring into the LCHs that will be mass-fabricated on a last creation line.

Expressing that the LCH would be a strong stage to meet the functional necessities of Indian Air Force (IAF) and the Indian Army, the MoD expressed: "This helicopter is furnished with essential deftness, mobility, expanded range, high height execution and nonstop, all-weather conditions battle capacity to perform jobs of Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR), Destruction of Enemy Air Defense (DEAD), Counter Insurgency (CI) tasks, (activities) against sluggish airplane and Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPAs), high elevation dugout busting activities, CI tasks in wilderness and metropolitan conditions and backing to ground powers."

The MoD declared that the LCH has incorporated secrecy highlights, for example, decreased visual, aural, radar and infrared (IR) marks and crash safe elements for better survivability.

Key avionics innovations, for example, a glass cockpit and composite airframe structure have been indigenised in the LCH.

The MoD declared that the assembling of LCH by HAL will support the Atmanirbhar Bharat (independent India) drive and India's guard industry. "Creation of LCH will decrease import reliance for battle helicopters in the nation," said the MoD, observing the new acquisition of 22 Apache AH-64E from The Boeing Company.

Light Combat Helicopters are as of now in the MoD's rundown of protection items that are restricted for import. "With its flexible highlights worked in for battle missions, LCH has send out ability," said the MoD.

Conversing with Business Standard, HAL's boss, R Madhavan, said the LCH is the lightest assault helicopter on the planet, planned explicitly to meet the Indian armed force's necessities. The 5.8-ton, twin-pilot helicopter can work at elevations of 20,000 feet, higher than some other assault helicopter on the planet. Having shown its capacity to work from 15,000-feet high helipads over the Siachen Glacier, the LCH is an ideal weapons stage for supporting the military in regions like Galwan and Daulat Beg Oldi in Eastern Ladakh, where our warriors are facing Chinese gatecrashers.

Infantrymen at those oxygen-denied heights can't convey weighty weaponry for significant distances, however a high-elevation assault helicopter would give them discharge support, utilizing its ready, 20-millimeter turret firearm, 70-millimeter rockets and aerial rockets. It can likewise convey an enemy of tank directed rocket (ATGM) and the IAF is near picking one.

For conveying capability precisely onto the foe, the LCH is coordinated with state of the art target-locating frameworks, including an electro-optic unit and a head protector mounted show that permits a pilot to focus on an objective just by checking it out.

The LCH's pilots are safeguarded by protected boards, self-fixing gas tanks, an indestructible windshield, harm open minded rotor cutting edges and a primary gearbox that can run for 30 minutes even after a slug hits it and channels out the oil. The LCH additionally has an electronic fighting framework that recognizes approaching rockets and confounds them by dissipating flares and debris.

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